Sunday, August 9, 2009

Life Is A Rainbow [Layout]

Above is the example of what your profile could look like.

Enter your information in the places where it says so, then copy and paste.

Sub AddAndPopulateATextBox()

Dim oTextBox As Shape
Dim strText As String

[red]R adiant
[orange]a mazing
[yellow]i ntense
[green]n oble
[blue]b old
[navy]o utrageous
[purple]w onderful

[fuchsia]********[red]M[orange]y [yellow]C[green]o[blue]L[navy]o[purple]R[red]f[orange]u[yellow]L [green]L[blue]i[navy]F[purple]e[fuchsia]********

[aqua] In here, write some things about you!

[fuchsia] ********[red]H[orange]o[yellow]R[green]s[blue]E[navy]s[fuchsia]********
[aqua] Talk about your horses here.

[fuchsia] ********[red]M[orange]y [yellow]B[green]e[blue]S[navy]t [purple]B[red]u[orange]d[yellow]s[fuchsia]********
[aqua] Tell everyone all about your favorite buds.

[teal] Life
is like a
You need both the sun
and the rain
to make its colors

[black](c) Profile by PlaidIsRad and Yelly Hyena 2009

Set oTextBox = ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.Shapes.AddOLEObject(Left:=114#, _
Top:=48#, _
height:=450#, _

With oTextBox.OLEFormat.Object
.MultiLine = True
.WordWrap = True
.ScrollBars = fmScrollBarsVertical
.Text = strText

End Sub

How to use these layouts:

Enter your info.

Highlight the layout.

If you have a Windows computer right click and press "Copy to Clipboard". If you have an Apple computer press the Apple Command button and the letter "C" together to copy the text.

Log on to Horse Isle and press the Profile tab. Delete anything already there and paste the text into your profile. (On a Windows right click and press Paste. On an Apple press the Apple Command button and the letter "V")

Press Save and then look at the Stats tab on Horse Isle to preview your layout. If it looks good to you then you can click on Profile to edit in your information. Remember to save!

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