See that green highlighted thing above that says "Ads Chat"? This is what we use to prevent spam in Global Chat (AKA: "Chat All"). Here are some questions I'm going to answer for you.
What is ads chat?
Ads chat is a chat setting that makes your text turn purple when you send it. You use it to post ads, of course!
What kind of "ads"?
Some examples of ads is like asking to buy or sell a horse or items. You also would use it to announce beauty contests and whatnot. Do not say "I need a horse!" or "I want to buy a horse" in Global Chat. That's not the place. You would say that instead in Ads Chat!
Well, I tried to post another ad, but it wont send! Why not?
That's because you can only post an ad once every minute. That way, it prevents people from spamming with ads. You can also mute ads (meaning that ads wont appear in your left chat bar) by typing in and sending this:
!MUTE ads
And you can unmute by doing this:
Remember that if you mute ads, you wont be able to post an ad, so you have to unmute them. Pretty simple, huh? :)
Can you show me an example of an ad? I'm not sure what to write.
Sure! Here's an example of an ad someone may post if they want to buy a horse:
PlaidIsRad: *BUYING* A cheap horse, less than 10k. PM me! :)
Or, lets say you want to sell a horse...
PlaidIsRad: Selling - A freshly caught brown Noriker mare. PM me with offers. Great UT's!!!
You can do the exact same thing with items, too.
PlaidIsRad: Anyone have 25 logs I can buy? Paying well! Message me.
See! It's not hard at all.
Wait, hold on! What does 10k mean? And what are UT's? And what's a PM? Help!
Don't worry, buddy! I'll tell you...
10k means $10,000 in game-money.
UT's are untrainable stats your horse has, like personality and intelligence. No matter what, you can't change those.
PM's stand for Private Message, when you talk one-on-one to a certain player.
Thank you so much! Now I'm not an Ad's Chat noob anymore!
Hooray! That wasn't hard at all, was it? Ad's chat is simple. :)
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