Thursday, August 6, 2009

What Is Spamming?

How do you know whether you're just sending a couple friendly messages or whether you're spamming? Spamming is something really annoying that many new players on Horse Isle do not understand, and need to know.
My personal definition:
Spamming - Repeatedly posting in Global/PM's/Buddy Chat...etc. with content that no one else on Horse Isle really cares about.
For example:

ARandomNoob: hi.
PlaidIsRad>ARandomNoob: Um, Hey. :)
ARandomNoob: i need a horse!
ARandomNoob: and u have so many...
PlaidIsRad>ARandomNoob: Not really...
ARandomNoob: can i have one? plz!
ARandomNoob: im soo poor
ARandomNoob: please please please?
ARandomNoob: just 1 horse!!!
ARandomNoob: u still there? hello?
Sorry, you can not send PlaidIsRad a PM anymore. She has blocked you. Ha ha!

Nobody, and I repeat nobody respects a person like that. I understand we're online, but please, people! Have some class and talk like a human being.
And that, my friends, is spamming. If you need a horse, just read some online guides (like this one *hint hint*) and earn a horse yourself.

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